Fri 23rd June, Sat 24th June, Sun 25th June Meditation with Ajahn Dhammasiha
*Fri 23rd, Sat 24th, Sun 25th June Meditation with Ajahn Dhammasiha*
To attend the sessions, please fill form: https://forms.gle/LBcfrygt6oi4eyco8
Ajahn Dhammasiha: Born in West Germany in 1966, Ajahn Dhammasīha studied Business Administration in West Berlin during the fall of the Berlin Wall. After encountering the Dhamma during extensive travels in India, he ordained as a Theravada Buddhist monk in 1995 at Nissarana Vanaya, Meetirigala in Sri Lanka, with most Ven Pandita K. Jinavamsa as his preceptor. His approach to practice was guided by the Suttas of the Pāli Canon, which he studied extensively in their original Pali language, and by the examples of senior monks like Ven. Ñānavimala & Ven. Ñānadīpa.
From 1998 on he trained in monasteries of the Ajahn Chah tradition in Australia. During this period, he was fortunate to receive teachings from some of the foremost living teachers of the Thai Forest Tradition, like Tan Ajahn Tui, Tan Ajahn Plien, and Tan Ajahn Anan on their visits to Australia.
Since 2007 Ajahn Dhammasiha has served as the founding abbot of Dhammagiri Forest Hermitage, providing Dhamma teachings and overseeing the physical development of the first Monastery in Brisbane associated with the tradition of Ajahn Chah.
Ajahn Dhammasiha will be offering teachings and encouragement for our group in Delhi. While the Ajahn is visiting , this can be a time to come together as a community and participate in these events. It also gives the chance to support in various ways which may be useful.
There will be daily meal offerings on the 23rd, 24th and 25th of June to the Sangha and lay community which requires support. Whether this is offering groceries, helping with the food preparation, cooking and clean up. Also the continuous efforts to help keep the center clean is an area one can help. Cleaning bathrooms, tidying up cushions and mats, and helping in other small yet useful ways. Please feel welcome to join at anytime over the weekend and join in with the teachings and opportunities to support the community.
On Monday the 26th of June, we will take a trip to Yamunanagar and then to the land for some evening chanting. We will be seeking help in regards to cars , drivers and overall support for this trip. If anyone is able and willing to help in this area, please contact myself or Deepak.
*Friday 23rd June:*
#Meals offering 11am-12pm
#Evening session 7pm. Chanting/Meditation session, Dhammatalk.
*Saturday 24th June:*
#5am – 6:30am: Chanting & meditation for people living nearby Dhammarama
#Morning session 9-11am: Meditation session, Dhammatalk / Q&A
#Meals offering 11am-12pm
#1pm – 4:00pm. Personal time, self meditation in Dhammarama
#4pm Tea with the Ajahn: Informal time with Ajahn, ask questions, learn about your monastery etc
#Evening session 7pm. Chanting/Meditation session, Dhammatalk.
*Sunday 25th June*
#5am – 6:30am: Chanting & meditation for people living nearby Dhammarama
#Morning session 9-11am: meditation session, Dhammatalk / Q&A
#Meals offering 11am-12pm
#Personal time 1pm – 4:00pm: Self meditation in Dhammarama
#4pm Tea with the Ajahn: Informal time with Ajahn