Dr Dhar has now sufficiently recovered and has offered to resume the guided meditations on seeing the Khandas as Anicca, Dukh, Anatta.
The guided meditations will resume on Monday 22 August 2022 in the morning session.
The meditations offered so far can be found here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=imAyZK4SpB8&list=PLB7IFLhxK9eS9fuL25jbcnjSNb7_LCH6j . These are listed in the sequence in which they have been offered.
During the lockdown of 2020, Dr Dhar had offered similar commentary on the Khandas. This has now been arranged in the sequence in which it had been offered and can be heard here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJ_Rfhuy05U&list=PLB7IFLhxK9eTbLOPatv2SBfLYL6n5plT4
During the morning session, he will offer guidance and also take questions. The link for joining the morning sessions is https://zoom.us/j/99571278192?pwd=SUtMZEcyVmpWcjk5b0s5cGxBd1o1dz09
In the evening sessions, we replay the guidance of the morning session and also Dr Dhar takes any further questions. The link for joining the evening sessions is https://zoom.us/j/99885126773?pwd=RHRmdFpmU3ArVWpNd1M1eGJjZExLZz09 .
All are welcome to join and benefit from this.