About Arañña Saṅghārāma Vihāra
Aranya Sangharama is a Theravada Buddhist monastery located in the north Indian state of Haryana. Inspired by the Thai forest master Ajahn Chah, Aranya Sangharama, has been offered to the Sangha of Ajahn Chah’s international monastery Wat Pah Nanachat ( link to www.watpahnanachat.org) by the Aranya vihara Trust (link to www.aranyavihara.in) .
The monastery aims at providing ordained monastics as well as motivated lay persons the opportunity to live and practise the simple and peaceful lifestyle that the Buddha taught over 2500 years ago.
Currently monastic ordination is not offered at Aranya Sangharama. However, those interested in monastic ordination are welcome to stay here for a period to experience the lifestyle of a typical monastery. Please see (link to Visiting section https://aranyavihara.in/visit-aranya-sangharama/ ) for more details.